Spaghetti and Waffles. A friend of mine told me about a book called "Men Are Like Waffles, Women are Like Spaghetti..." So, what does that mean? It means...MOST men can compartmentalize things, whereas women smoosh everything together into one, messy, entangled blob of emotion. However, in the past two weeks I've had two girlfriends tell me about the guys they've been dating. These "prince charmings" not only have spaghetti for brains but are so removed from the idea of a waffle, that one would almost think these guys came fully equipped with a vag! On another note, I've also been introduced to this guy, who said to a friend, "I don't have to chase you anymore. I have whatever I want with you. And on a Guy and a Girl level, that is not good for me at all. Once the girl is trying, I get turned off real quick." This, my friends, is an actual quote and I've never been so appalled at the reality of this quote in my life. The Chase. The damned Chase. We aren't effing gazelles fellas. We are women and if you'de just give a sistah a chance, you may see that your idealistic notions of the eternal chase is a bunch of bullshit. Puff.
Guys. Waffle headed guys have this AMAZING way of being able to separate love, sex, money, work, ex-girlfriends, friends and family. Whereas, we, the spaghettis, can ALWAYS find some way to intermingle all of these categories into one overanalyzed ball of mush...which usually ends in tears, at least for me. For instance, girl finds a letter from ex girlfriend from 3 years ago...girl automatically assumes boy has feelings for ex. Is he still talking to her? Why did he keep it? Does he love her? Oh God, is he sleeping with someone else? He's sleeping with someone else. In most cases, this usually leads to a "talk" where said girl usually ends up looking like a pathetic, insecure, irrational ball of firey jealousy. Whoa. Once again, Satan...rational mind back...please!? Thanks.Puff.
Guys, however, unless it's staring them in the face, there is zero overanalyzing involved. Zero. Boy finds letter. Boy puts letter back. That's it. Puff.
We are not insecure. We are spaghetti and we mush...we mush everything together and that's ok. Am I emotional? Sure. Are most women I know emotional? Yep. But this, this is what makes us the best friends and greatest moms. This is what makes us who we are. I also think that the mush factor also means we have an incredible intuition that let's us know when something is wrong with our children when we're miles away from them...It gives us the strength to get through love, marriage, divorce,births, deaths and tragedy. And for that, I'll take my spaghetti brain any day. De-Puff.
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