I've come to the conclusion that "Sleepless in Seattle" created the monster that is me. I became a hopeless romantic the instant I saw Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan at the top of that stupid empire state building. I think I was maybe in 5th grade when that movie came out and ever since then, I've wanted all relationships to be synonymous with the rom-coms of my generation. Puff. Let's be honest, I'm no Meg Ryan, Kate Hudson or Julia Roberts...Just plain ole me. And hello, plain ole me...this is your subconscious speaking...those bitches aren't real! Kate Hudson, in real life, divorced that dude from the black crowes...and Julia Roberts...was married to Lyle Lovett! Guhhhrrrooosss! But somehow we forget all of that the instant these ladies are swept of their Louboutins by the gorgeous creatures that are Matthew McConaughey and George Clooney. Puff.
In essence, our boyfriends don't stand an effing chance. These poor boys, who have probably not even seen said chick flicks are competing not only against someone who doesn't really exist, but against something they typically know nothing about...and was written by a woman, or a gay man (God bless em!) Granted, real guys have their moments of sweetness, which in my case, are unequivocally appreciated, but the stupid tom hanks factor always come into play in my mind. Puff.
Let's discuss this. What if we stop comparing and appreciate the things they do that make us smile? Stop hoping for our fellas to show up in the middle of a gala in his jeans and flops to proclaim his love for us for all to see. Ain't happening. What if we get back to basics and just appreciate a funny joke or when they pay for our dinner. And what kills me is that the hopeless romantic in us won't let these crazy notions go, which is ultimately unfair to whatever poor chap decides to date us.
So to Tom Hanks and all rom-coms ever created...I love you. You have shown me what being a romantic is all about...but for the love of all that is real and genuine on this effing earth, give the real guy a chance! De-puff.
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