"Eat a cheeseburger." My favorite line to the quintessential skinny bitch. Catty? You betcha! I mean, in essence they can't help it...they were born skinny...but they were not born skinny bitches. What is a skinny bitch? Chances are you encounter one everyday....they are hardly an endangered species. These are the girls who can wear boy shorts and not have to worry about one dimple, one imperfection...and then, these skinny bitches go out to McDonalds and get a #1...supersized and laugh at the fat chick behind the counter. They are girls who wear side pony tails and makeup to the gym...and occassionally even fake eyelashes. PUFF. They can still shop at Limited Too, and bikini shopping is fun for them. These are the girls that while you're shopping for a size ten, she is asking the clerk " Umm, I don't see any
0's!?" Puff. Now granted, not all skinny girls are skinny bitches. My best friend is skinny..but not a skinny bitch.
The worst is when a skinny bitch looks at you in your size tens that are practically clinging onto your "love handles" for dear life and with her skinny bitch eyes says, "Are you really gonna eat that?" or "I wouldn't leave the house if I weighed what you weigh." It's all in the eyes.
I purposely sit with my back against the wall in spin class so that the skinny bitches who are just going to "get tone" don't have the chance to snicker at my voluptuousness. PUFF.
But the best is when you see a skinny bitch at a bar or a club...after one malibu and coke, that skinny bitch is on the floor, probably puking, because she doesn't have a damn thing to sponge up the alcohol. So, skinny bitch...while you're singing "Pocket full of Sunshine" one minute and then barfing the next, I'll be on the dance floor, shaking my badonkadonk and drinking a cornona. De-Puff.
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