How can you possibly convince someone to stop loving? My entire life I have not only worn my heart on my sleeve, but I am also notorious for being incredibly protective of anyone who I care about. Unfortunately, as women, we are balls of mush. Not only are we balls of mush, but we overanalyze everything and everyone...I do this to a fault. "He's such an ass...but I love him." This eensy weensy phrase makes ZERO sense, but I have said it and so have the majority of my friends. PUFF. "I know he's a good person...he has the potential to be so great." Vomit.When I was married I remember thinking to myself many times, "This is it? This is what love and marriage is supposed to feel like?" Not so much. I nestled myself into the comfort that was my life and settled for a mediocre existance. There's always that one thing that gets us...the way they kiss, the jokes they tell, typically they get you when it's time to go to sleep and they are the sweetest, gentlest, most romantic creature you've ever seen...and we forget that just four hours before this same gentle lovemuffin was telling his buddies, "I am NEVER getting married," "Damn, if I didn't have a girl, I'd be all over that." Scuuuhrrrreeeew that! PUFF. Why do we continue to settle for less than we deserve and put ourselves in situations where we know there is great potential for hurt, yet keep going back? Why do we settle for the potential someone has instead of the greatness someone has already achieved?
you forgot to de-puff...lol