Thursday, February 4, 2010

Puffer gets a "God" Wink

David Lichtenfeld strikes again. This is neither my nor David's idea, but it sure did play a MAJOR role in my life, right when I needed it. As I said before, pay attention. Pay attention to the signs in your life. Calm down, I'm not a damn gypsy and I'm not a preacher either. I'm just a girl, who had some amazing people come into her life right when I needed them...almost like they were placed in that very spot just for me. Like David. The instant I sat down on that plane, he looked at me and said "My darling, I can see in your eyes that you're heartbroken." How in the!? What the!? I had never met, or seen this man in my life and he knew. Of course, I then told him my life story and he told me about "God" winks... and a book with that very title..."When God Winks." Living in the Bible belt the second I hear God I'm ready to run for the hills because I'm afraid somebody around me is going to throw their hands up and praise all that is holy...or whatever.Welcome to the south. Though I'm not a religious person, I am incredibly spiritual and when my buddy David tells me there are no coincidences and to pay attention I listened. I bought the book and gave it to the people who came into my life as a "godwink." The book also godwinked a little quote into my heart that I will never forget. "You cannot sit on your baggage, beside the road, waiting for your destiny to come to you. You must get up, get going, and leave your baggage behind. Go for what you believe to be your destiny, and look for all the signposts along the way -- the godwinks -- that are the messages of reassurance that you're on the right path." At that very moment, this puffer who had puffed for the past year about what to do about her crappo moved on. Thank you GodWinks ;)

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