I will start this blog by saying that never in my life have I ever though and/or admitted that I, yes I, am a jealous girlfriend...but, to all of you reading..and not reading...I am. In hindsight, I figured this out in seventh grade when my boyfriend Mikey went to a birthday party for a girl in our class. I dumped him for it. For going.to.a.birthday.party....in seventh grade. And ever since then...it has been a series of a few boyfriends, one husband, and the occassional hook up that has left me wondering what makes me the way I am. I have a self proclaimed syndrome...that is, Puffer Fish syndrome. How does this syndrome work you ask...It goes a little something like this:
Girl: So boyfriend what are you doing tonight
Boy: I'm going to dinner with my friend Sara
Girl: Oh, that' nice------and THIS....THIS is when the puffer fish syndrome begins...because I say, "oh, that's nice," but what I mean is "Who the hell is Sara and are you going to sleep with her!"
And each time he mentions her, or any other person's name who has a vagina (excluding his family of course, because that would make me super crazy, not just semi) I start to puff...and puff...and puff...until I explode in a crazed jealous bitch frenzy of naming every girl in his life and how he is secretly in love with her. Hello, Satan, yes, I'd like my normal mind back...the one, where I swear, I'm NOT JEALOUS!
And then, through talking with the best group of girfriends a girl can have...I discovered that we all have a little puffer fish syndrome in us. Whether we puff about boys, money, work, or the horrrrrible horrible way our roommate chews food, we all come to a point where we...puff.
My blog will explore women...the women who contribute laughter, tears, oreos, pizza, hilarious e-mails, tissues and many tales of the puffer fish to my crazy little life. Enjoy.